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Mini-club registrations

Manage your mini-club without paper

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Parents register their children online before going on vacation. Once there: nothing more to do, the children already appear in your lists; with 1 click, the facilitator records their presences.

Completed the queue at the opening of the mini-club!

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Parents connected = parents reassured

Parents are automatically alerted  on their mobiles as soon as their children arrive and leave the Mini-Club activities.

In addition, they are automatically alerted before  the closingof the mini-club!

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Online registration for activities!

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Register your  children to activities has never been easier, in 1 click it's done!

It is henceforth  possible to generate a waiting list  for your key activities  !

Simplified management

Child lists are generated automatically.

Facilitators benefit from a simple and powerful tool

to manage the workforce.

Consult the filling in advance and the "live" attendance

Export data in EXCEL format

Compatible with all your devices (no software to install)

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Security and GDPR

Be in full compliance with the regulations governing minors. You have all the official documents and authorizations issued by the  parents. A parental discharge is also validated during online registration. You and your animators access important children's information in 1 click anytime and anywhere!

ANIM live is totally private and  all your data is encrypted and secure.

In accordance with the GDPR directive: n° 2016-679, ANIM Live has organisational, technical, software and physical measures in terms of digital security to protect personal data against alteration, destruction and unauthorized access.

GDPR Compliant: No. 2016-679

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Online registration forms via WEB or mobile app.

Management of children's lists from any device connected to the internet*

Data stored on the secure "CLOUD".

Compatible with all operating systems.

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They already use it :

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Vacationers talk about it

“Very handy app”

“The app is great, easy to use, keep it awesome!!!!!  »

“Very good app  »

“Love this app, hope it expands to other camps and  tour operators! »

"The idea of this application is brilliant...we go to a club every year, knowing that my daughter has arrived safely at the defined gathering place and also at the start reassures us.bravo  »

“Very practical application, in an ecological dynamic  

because there is no longer any need to use paper for registration.”

“Nice idea, continue to develop the features to tend towards the score of 5! »

“Great App”

"Very practical application that deserves to be expanded for more features. »

" Really very good "

“the app is great”

SAS APP'LIVE - 6 RUE JULES LOUIS BRETON 18100 VIERZON - SIRET: 889 217 493 00010 - Intra-community VAT number: FR07889217493 - RCS: 889 217 493 RCS Bourges                   © 2020 APP'LIVE - ANIM LIVE
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